Thursday, 27 October 2016

50 Billion Galaxies and Counting

Galaxies: 50 Billion, 200 Billion and Counting

  I recently read an article by a Christian who wrote about the number of galaxies we are told we have in the universe. He remembered years ago that there were 50 billion galaxies in the universe and now he was told at a planetarium in Chicago that there are now 200 billion. My, how the galaxies grow! He said that it is predicted that one day it'll be 1 trillion galaxies. Lol How can people believe in such numbers? The article goes on to say that scientist have discovered 500 solar systems in the Milky Way.

First, I'd like to ask the “scientists” how they can count all those galaxies. How can they make out lights behind lights? How they can distinguish between galaxies? If the person who believes this is a Christian what they do is say, “What an amazing God we have,” as this guy did. In other words, they put it into their own paradigm. I guess we were all guilty of this at one time. And, we do this to other things that we are told. But to us flat earthers, our God is more amazing that He just made us – as the Bible says – and not trillions of other possible planets out there that could have life! Yes, to know that He came in the flesh to earth and that He doesn't have to come to trillions of other planets is amazing; to know that the earth is beneath and Heaven above and not a billion light years away. This makes God close and personal and not God that is so far away that our minds cannot grasp the distance.

This article goes on to say that satellite will be launched in 2018 that will have a telescope on it and it will be 1 million miles in space and will – get this – take pictures at -459 degrees Fahrenheit (absolute zero)! Now, has this guy ever figured out how mechanical things can work when it's that cold? Does he know that we have trucks that can't start in Alaska when the temperature gets down to 50 degree below zero when the engine is left off for the night? And here a telescope (and satellite) works at absolute zero!

Then he goes on to say, “Jesus merely SPOKE 50,000,000,000 galaxies into existence.” Well, if that is the case, why did God take 5 more days to finish off the earth? (Giving one day for the earth with all the other planets and one day that God rested out of the week leaves five days.) Also, this author regressed and went back to 50 billion and not the 200 billion.

In short, when a person doesn't know the whole truth they cram and twist what scientists tell them to fit their view of the Universe.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Flat Earth Experiment 4

Flat Earth Experiments You Can Do

Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe

On several occasions the six miles of water in the old Bedford Canal have been surveyed by the so-called "forward" process of levelling, which consisted in simply taking a sight of, say 20 chains, or 440 yards, noting the point observed, moving the instrument forward to that point, and taking a second observation; again moving the instrument forward, again observing 20 chains in advance, and so on throughout the whole distance. By this process, without making allowance for convexity, the surface of the water was found to be perfectly horizontal. But when the result was made known to several surveyors, it was contended "that when the theodolite is levelled, it is placed at right angles to the earth's radius--the line of sight from it being a tangent; and that when it is removed 20 chains forward, and again 'levelled,' it becomes a second and different tangent; and that indeed every new position is really a fresh tangent--as shown in the diagram, fig. 9, T 1, T 2, and T 3, representing

FIG. 9.

the theodolite levelled at three different positions, and therefore square to the radii 1, 2, 3. Hence, levelling forward in this way, although making no allowance for rotundity, the rotundity or allowance for it is involved in the process." This is a very ingenious and plausible argument, by which the visible contradiction between the theory of rotundity and the results of practical levelling is explained; and many excellent mathematicians and geodesists have been deceived by it. Logically, however, it will be seen that it is not a proof of rotundity; it is only an explanation or reconciliation of results with the supposition of rotundity, but does not prove it to exist. The following modification was therefore adopted by the author, in order that convexity, if it existed, might be demonstrated. A theodolite

FIG. 10.

was placed at the point A, in fig. 10, and levelled; it was then directed over the flag-staff B to the cross-staff C--the instrument A, the flag-staff B, and the cross-staff C, having exactly the same altitude. The theodolite was then advanced to B, the flag-staff to C, and the cross-staff to D, which was thus secured .as a continuation of one and the same line of sight A, B, C, prolonged to D, the altitude of D being the same as that of A, B, and C. The theodolite was again moved forward to the position C, the flag-staff to D, and the cross-staff to the point E--the line of sight to which was thus again secured as a prolongation of A, B, C, D, to E. The process was repeated to F, and onwards by 20 chain lengths to the end of six miles of the canal, .and parallel with it. By thus having an object between the theodolite and the cross-staff, which object in its turn becomes a test or guide by which the same line of sight is continued throughout the whole length surveyed, the argument or explanation which is dependent upon the supposition of rotundity, and that each position of the theodolite is a different tangent, is completely destroyed. The result of this peculiar or modified survey, which has been several times repeated, was that the line of sight and the surface of the water ran parallel to each other; and as the. line of sight was, in this instance, a right line, the surface of the water for six miles was demonstrably horizontal.

This mode of forward levelling is so very exact and satisfactory, that the following further illustration may be given with

FIG. 11

advantage. In fig. 11, let A, B, C, represent the first position, respectively of the theodolite, flag-staff, and cross-staff; B, C, D, the second position; C, D, E, the third position; and D, E, F, the fourth; similarly repeated throughout the whole distance surveyed.

The remarks thus made in reference to simple "forward" levelling, apply with equal force to what is called by surveyors the "back-and-fore-sight" process, which consists in reading backwards a distance equal to the distance read forwards. This plan is adopted to obviate the necessity for calculating, or allowing for the earth's supposed convexity. It applies, however, just the same in practice, whether the base or datum line is horizontal or convex; but as it has been proved to be the former, it is evident that "back-and-fore-sight" levelling is a waste of time and skill, and altogether unnecessary. Forward levelling over intervening test or guide staves, as explained by the diagram, fig. 11, is far superior to any of the ordinary methods, and has the great advantage of being purely practical§ and not involving any theoretical considerations. Its adoption along the banks of any canal, or lake, or standing water of any kind, or even along the shore of any open sea, will demonstrate to the fullest satisfaction of any practical surveyor that the surface of all water is horizontal.

Flat Earth Experiment 5

Flat Earth Experiment You Can Do 5

Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe

Although the experiments already described, and many similar ones, have been tried and often repeated, first in 1838, afterwards in 1844, in 1849, in 1856, and in 1862, the author was induced in 1870 to visit the scene of his former labours, and to make some other (one or more) experiment of so simple a character that no error of complicated instrument or process of surveying could possibly be involved. He left London (for Downham Market Station) on Tuesday morning, April 5, 1870, .and arrived at the Old Bedford Sluice Bridge, about two miles from the station, at twelve o'clock. The atmosphere was remarkably clear, and the sun was shining brightly on and against the western face of the bridge. On the right hand side of the arch a large notice-board was affixed (a table of tolls, &c., for navigating the canal). The lowest edge of this board was 6 feet 6 inches above the water, as shown at B, fig. 12.

FIG. 12.

A train of several empty turf boats had just entered the canal from the River Ouse, and was about proceeding to Romsey, in Huntingdonshire. An arrangement was made with the "Captain" to place the shallowest boat the last in the train; on the lowest part of the stern of this boat a good telescope was fixed--the elevation being exactly 18 inches above the water. The sun was shining strongly against the white notice-board, the air was exceedingly still and clear, and the surface of the water "smooth as a molten mirror;" so that everything was extremely favourable for observation. At 1.15, p.m., the train of boats started for Welney. As the boats receded the notice-board was kept in view, and was plainly visible to, the naked eye for several miles; but through the telescope it was distinctly seen throughout the whole distance of six miles. But on reaching Welney Bridge, a very shallow boat was procured, and so fixed that the telescope was brought to within 8 inches of the surface of the water; and still the bottom of the notice-board was clearly visible. The elevation of the telescope being 8 inches, the line of sight would touch the. horizon, if convexity exists, at the distance of one statute mile;. the square of the remaining five miles, multiplied by 8 inches, gives a curvature of 16 feet 8 inches, so that the bottom of the notice-board--6 feet 6 inches above the water--should have been 10 feet 2 inches below the horizon, as shown in fig. 13--

FIG. 13.

[paragraph continues] B, the notice-board; H, the horizon; and T, the telescope.

Multiple speeds of the earth exposed

Multiple speeds of the earth exposed

  It is possible to go multiple speeds and directions at once? Yes, but...

In the heliocentric model of the universe, we are told that the earth is going in multiple directions and speeds at once, but is this possible?

We are told that we are spinning at 1,000 miles per hour at the equator, going round the sun at 67,000mph, going round the Milky Way at 500,000mph. And, if that wasn't enough, you can throw one more speed – traveling away from the “Big Bang” at the speed of light. So, is it possible to go in all these directions at one time?

In order to answer this question, let's create a model to see how this would work.

Riding in a Train

If you were to ride in a train, and you were walking down the isle, you would be going two different speeds at the same time. And, you can be going in two different directions, also. This is not disputed by flat earthers. In fact, you could make a model where more than two speeds are involved. Here is an example:

  1. The train going at, say, 50mph in one direction
  2. A little toy railroad track inside the train.
  3. On this track you'd have a round platform that is turning, where a toy soldier is standing.
  4. On this round platform it slowly rises up and down.

Here we have a toy soldier going in four different directions and different speeds even all at once.

The train going along its route

The toy railroad track (of any configuration)

The round platform that is slowly turning around

The platform slowly rising and lowering

So, in theory does that mean that the earth can do all these speeds and direction at the same time? Globe earth believers will probably say yes. But the answer is NO! Why?

It's a little complex to explain but I'm sure you'll follow. First we are told that the earth is spinning around the equator at 1,000mph and with it is the atmosphere. This is what we are told so as to explain that there is no 1,000mph wind. But is this possible? NO! Here are the differences from the little model that we discussed and with the earth.

With the Toy Model

With the train, miniature track, round platform and toy soldier, there was a dividing object, a solid object of some kind that enable us to have the different speeds and directions at the same time. You had the chassis of the train – dividing the occupants of the train from the ground. Then you had the miniature toy train on the track – another solid object. The round platform on top of the miniature train. Finally, you have some kind of mechanism that pushes the platform up and down in the air.

So, while we can have an experiment were different speeds were possible at the same time, you still have a problem with the air. If our model was on a much larger scale with higher speeds, and you'd have a real person on the round platform, you'd still have problems with motion AND wind speed. You would be protected from the wind speed of the train because you are enclosed. If you made each system enclosed, you could protect yourself from some of the wind, but you'd still feel motion of some kind; you'd feel some centrifugal force. When we compare to what we are told that the earth is doing, we'd certainly feel the spin of 500mph or 1,000mph – depending whether you are in Canada or in Ecuador (which is at the equator).

With the Heliocentric Model

Let's just start with the earth turning so we don't get our heads spinning (suppose to be a little 'funny' here). We are told that the atmosphere moves in perfect timing with the earth – even down to the individual gas molecule (IF you can believe that!). If the ground is moving, we don't feel it, we don't see it and we don't sense it in any way. We can't test it in any way, either.

Where is the engine, the mechanism that makes planets and suns move? Where is the noise, the fuel or the sound that can propel such a massive object as our earth?

OK, putting all that aside, we need a barrier of some kind that protects the earth spinning at 1,000mph. And, we need another barrier to protect us from the 67,000mph that we are going around the sun. This has to be somewhere in the solar system. Since, “we are told” that we have sent satellites into deep space, the satellite did not come across any solid objects. No object, whether it be something you can't see through; no invisible force field and no solid object that you can't see through. If there was a barrier of ANY kind, the satellites would crash into it. Also, the barrier would have to one that you see through in order to have meteors entering our solar system and in order to see the light from the stars. In short, THERE HAS TO BE A BARRIE of some kind in order for us to go multiple speeds at the same time and to protect us from the – whatever it is in space that would blowing on earth.

Even if there were such an object how would it stand up to 67,000mph? How would it stand up to half a million miles per hour that we are suppose to be going around the galaxy? It would be completely destroyed; it would be disintegrated, vaporised!

Getting Back to Earth and the Atmosphere

I want to get back to the earth and the atmosphere. If there were some shield around the earth, which there would have to be to protect us from the other speeds, you'd still have a problem with the atmosphere turning at 1,000mph with the earth. If the Evolutionists (and most of them are) says that it's gravity that does all this. OK, if gravity attracts all the gases that makes up our atmosphere – down to the individual molecule – then why doesn't it attract the hydrogen and helium molecules? Do they have so much power of their own that they can defy the supper-strong gravity?

With the earth, sun and planets there is nothing as far as barriers that are protecting us – even our astronomers and NASA people tell us this. They tell us (without using words) that there are no physical barriers in space.

When NASA said that a satellite we sent up years ago just flew by Pluto, there is not a word of encountering a solid object. Now, a solid object would have to there in order to protect the planets of the tremendous speed that we are suppose to be going – not just the earth but all planets.

For those who think that the earth is only spinning at 1,000mph and no other movement at all, there would still be a problem. What is protecting us from the tremendous speed? Nothing!

If gravity was real and it has the properties that we are told, which is, in part, that small objects attracts larger ones, then why can a man fall off a building and kill himself? Since a building is hundreds or even 1,000s of times heavier than a person, why isn't that person attached or pulled immediately to the building and thus be prevented from falling to the ground? Why isn't a person kept to the surface and simply walk down the side of it? We all know that we can't and that's because objects have NO ATTRACTING POWER to each other regardless of the sizes involved. The only exception is a magnet and iron but we all know the reason why attraction takes place there.

All of this is another example of the lies we have been told.

Copyright 2016 Bible and Flat Earth

May be used without changes and credit given to this website.

Mormons And their Belief in Aliens

Mormon and Aliens Exposed

The Mormons have a belief that there are trillions of planets in the Universe with civilization on many of them with countless gods. As you may know, Mormons call themselves Christians but they are not – for too many reasons to list here. However, it is the lie of the heliocentric universe, as taught by our schools and universities, that give support to their belief. I wonder what some of them would do if they were confronted with the flat earth truth? Would they realise that their belief is wrong and NOT Christians? I guess that is up to the individual.

In the description of this YouTube video, it says it had been taken down many times but only re-uploaded. So, if it is not here when you click on it, you'll know the reason why. The reason it had been taken down is that the Mormons don't want you to know of their ludicrous beliefs. This comes from the 1982 film called, “The Godmakers.”

Telling others about the flat earth will help to turn others to Christ and the Bible.

When Mormons Come Knocking

Evolution and Gravity

Evolution and Gravity Hoax

Talking about evolution and gravity, we are told by evolutionists that the Universe was started by the 'Big Bang' and with it the stars and planets formed; all matter went out in their own direction and with it, the stars, planets and galaxies formed. Now, we all know this is a bunch of bull and even millions Christians who don't believe in a flat earth know this, too. By the way, I say “millions of Christians” and not “all Christians” because there are those who mix creation with evolution! But the point of this article is something else.

I think that one way to quickly silence evolutionists is with this short statement and question. Let me know what you think...

“Gravity is a very complex thing, do you agree?” (You will usually get a 'yes' from the person.)

“If everything evolved over the course of billions of years, then tell me, how can gravity and all its complexities come about in an instant?” (And wait for an answer.)

If the evolutionist or Christian/evolutionist say they don't know, then you got them to question their belief, which is a step in the right direction. If they come up with some kind of excuse, reinforce your question by saying something like, “All the complexities of gravity could not have evolved in billions of years or even a couple of years. It would have to be present in its completion at the second of the 'Big Bang,' otherwise you would have a bunch of dirt, rocks and gases floating about; it could not form later into spinning balls going around a central axis.”

Here is another one-liner you can ask anyone who doesn’t believe in a flat earth. “I've seen many explosions but I have yet to see an explosion where the debris form balls – they are ALL irregular pieces of various sizes. Have you seen an explosion where there were balls of debris?”

Now wait for his/her response and watch them squirm. They would have to say 'no.' Some might come back with another lie that will make you laugh. Those that are really seeking the truth will have to question this and look into the flat earth more. Those that don't, let them go on their ignorant way.

As a side note, I recently heard news that Jupiter was formed from the sun and that the earth was formed from Jupiter. So, where we have a gaseous sun forming something solid and then that planet form earth. Amazing how all these round balls can give birth to another round ball and set it in motion!

I always do like a good laugh!