Flat Earth News, February 2 2017
Source: ChristianFlatEarthMinistry.orgCause of Sunrise and Sunset
ALTHOUGH the sun is at
all times above the earth's surface, it appears in the morning to
ascend from the north-east to the noonday position, and thence to
descend and disappear, or set, in the north-west. This phenomenon
arises from the operation of a simple and everywhere visible law of
perspective. A flock of birds, when passing over a flat or marshy
country, always appears to descend is it recedes; and if the flock is
extensive, the first bird appears lower or nearer to the horizon than
the last, although they are at the same actual altitude above the
earth immediately beneath them. When a balloon sails away from an
observer, without increasing or decreasing its altitude, it appears
to gradually approach the horizon. In a long row of lamps, the
second--supposing the observer to stand at the beginning of the
series---will appear lower than the first; the third lower than the
.second; and so on to the end of the row; the farthest away always
appearing the lowest, although each one has the same altitude; and if
such a straight line of lamps could be continued far enough, the
lights would at length descend, apparently, to the horizon, or to a
level with the eye of the observer, as shown in the following
diagram, fig. 63.
FIG. 63.
Let A, B, represent the
altitude throughout of a long row of lamps, standing on the
horizontal ground E, D; and C, H, the line of sight of an observer at
C. The ordinary principles of perspective will cause an apparent
rising of the ground E, D, to the eye-line C, H, meeting it at H; and
an apparent descent of each subsequent lamp, from A, to H, towards
the same eye-line, also meeting at H. The point H, is the horizon, or
the true "vanishing point," at which the last visible lamp,
although it has really the altitude D, B, will disappear.
Bearing in mind the
above phenomena it will easily be seen how the sun, although always
above and parallel to the earth's surface, must appear to ascend from
the morning horizon to the noonday or meridian position; and thence
to descend to the evening horizon.
In the diagram, fig.
64, let the line E, D, represent the
FIG. 64.
surface of the earth;
H, H, the morning and evening horizon; and A, S, B, a portion of the
true path of the sun. An observer at 0, looking to the east, will
first see the sun in the morning, not at A, its true position, but in
its apparent position, H, just emerging from the "vanishing
point," or the morning horizon. At nine o'clock, the sun will
have the apparent position, 1, gradually appearing to ascend the line
H, 1, S; the point S, being the meridian or noonday position. From S,
the sun will be seen to gradually descend the line S, 2, H, until he
reaches the horizon, H, and entering the "vanishing point,"
disappears, to an observer in England, in the west, beyond the
continent of North America, as in the morning he is seen to rise from
the direction of Northern Asia. An excellent illustration of this
"rising" and "setting" of the sun may be seen in
a long tunnel, as shown in diagram, fig. 65. The top of the tunnel,
FIG. 65.
1, 2, and, the bottom,
3, 4, although really equi-distant throughout the whole length,
would, to an observer in the centre, C, appear to approach each
other, and converge at the points, H, H; and a lamp, or light of any
kind, brought in, and carried along the top, close to the upper
surface 1, 2, would, when really going along the line, 1, S, 2,
appear to ascend the inclined plane H, S, to the centre, S, and after
passing the centre, to descend the plane S, H; and if the tunnel were
sufficiently long, the phenomena of sunrise and of sunset would be
perfectly imitated.
A very striking
illustration of the convergence of the top and bottom, as well as the
sides, of a long tunnel, has been observed in that of Mont Cenis. M.
de Porville, when in the centre of the tunnel, noticed that the
entrance had apparently become so small that the daylight beyond it
seemed like a bright star. "Before us, at an apparently
prodigious distance, we beheld a small star at the entrance of the
gallery. Its vivid light contrasted strangely with the red glare of
the lamps. Its brightness increased as the horses dashed on the way.
In a short time its proportions were more clearly defined, and its
volume increased. The illusion was quickly dispelled as we got over
some kilometres. This soft white light is the extremity of the
gallery." 1
We have seen that
"sunrise" and "sunset" are phenomena dependent
entirely upon the fact that horizontal lines, parallel to each other,
appear to approach or converge in the distance. The surface of the
earth being horizontal, and the line of sight of the observer and the
sun's path being over and parallel with it, the rising and setting of
the moving sun over the immovable earth are simply phenomena arising
necessarily from the laws of perspective.
127:1 "Morning
Advertiser," September 16th, 1871.
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