Tuesday, 6 October 2015

How to make satellites appear real

This is my theory but it makes sense and that is, in order to continue the con that satellites are real, there are a number of things that would do it. Some of them are:

Have a rocket go up (most expensive show)

Computer generated images (CGI) on a website (that's all I see on the web)

Make a website that has “real tracking” of satellites

I'd like to talk more on the last one. This one is easy for a computer programmer to do – make some software where it gives locations and have these numbers change – to make it look real good. All of this is done in order to have billions of dollars in funding each and every year. What takes the place of satellites are, all those microwave towers you see everywhere – these towers are relaying the singles for GPS, internet, mobile phones, etc.

When people see a website with satellite “tracking”, they become a believer.

As for the CGI, they might make it a little better and take a real picture of something that was actually build (but doesn't work, you know, something that would be made for a Hollywood set), and superimpose the image on a CGI background. Then, some fool would say, “Ah, there is a real photo of a satellite.”

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