Friday, 2 October 2015

What keeps the water from falling off the flat earth?

We all know that water seeks its own level, so many people think of a flat earth would be impossible because the water would fall off – and they are right? But let me ask you a question, what keeps water in a swimming pool? It's the wall of the pool that is higher than the water level. So, too, the earth has a wall around it with a wall.

Think of a CD that you put in your computer as the shape of the earth. In the very centre is the magnetic North Pole; now think of the edge of the CD, this is where the Antarctic is. The Antarctic actually surrounds the whole circumference of the earth. Now, do a search on Google and type in: Antarctic ice wall. You can also type in: coastline of Antarctic and see what you come up with. Here is one picture for you (top of this article).

It's actually this ice wall that keeps the water from falling off.

“Wouldn't the navigators be off in their travels in the South Hemisphere?”

You are right and you are observant. Navigators are off on their travels when crossing east to west or west to east. Most people wouldn't even think of this. So, here are some old reports of explorers who have sailed the southern seas.

“During Captain James Clark Ross’s voyages around the Antarctic circumference, he often wrote in his journal perplexed at how they routinely found themselves out of accordance with their charts, stating that they found themselves an average of 12-16 miles outside their reckoning every day, some days as much as 29 miles. Lieutenant Charles Wilkes commanded a United States Navy exploration expedition to the Antarctic from August 18th, 1838 to June 10th, 1842, almost four years spent “exploring and surveying the Southern ocean.” In his journals Lieutenant Wilkes also mentioned being consistently east of his reckoning, sometimes over 20 miles in less than 18 hours.

“The commanders of these various expeditions were, of course, with their education and belief in the earth's rotundity, unable to conceive of any other cause for the differences between log and chronometer results than the existence of currents. But one simple fact is entirely fatal to such an explanation, viz., that when the route taken is east or west the same results are experienced. The water of the southern region cannot be running in two opposite directions at the same time; and hence, although various local and variable currents have been noticed, they cannot be shown to be the cause of the discrepancies so generally observed in high southern latitudes between time and log results. The conclusion is one of necessity, forced upon us by the sum of the evidence collected that the degrees of longitude in any given southern latitude are larger than the degrees in any latitude nearer to the northern center; thus proving the already more than sufficiently demonstrated fact that the earth is a plane, having a northern center, in relation to which degrees of latitude are concentric, and from which degrees of longitude are diverging lines, continually increasing in their distance from each other as they are prolonged towards the great glacial southern circumference.” - Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe!”

“On a globe 25,000 miles in equatorial circumference, however, degrees of longitude at 34 degrees latitude would be only 58 miles, a full 12 miles per degree less than reality. This perfectly explains why Ross and other navigators in the deep South experienced 12+ mile daily discrepancies between their reckoning and reality, the farther South travelled the farther the divide. “From near Cape Horn, Chile to Port Philip in Melbourne, Australia the distance is 9,000 miles. These two places are 143 degrees of longitude from each other. Therefore the whole extent of the Earth‟s circumference is a mere arithmetical question. If 143 degrees make 9,000 miles, what will be the distance made by the whole 360 degrees into which the surface is divided? The answer is, 22,657 miles; or, 8357 miles more than the theory of rotundity would permit. It must be borne in mind, however, that the above distances are nautical measure, which, reduced to statute miles, gives the actual distance round the Southern region at a given latitude as 26,433 statute miles; or nearly 1,500 miles more than the largest circumference ever assigned to the Earth at the equator.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Earth Not a Globe, 2nd Edition”

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