In the 16th century,
anti-God forces waged an all out war on Biblical truth. Copernicus
proclaimed that the earth was not stationary--in direct contradiction
to the holy scriptures. With no proof, Copernicus dethroned the earth
as the jewel of all creation and enthroned the sun in its place.
Copernicus' "scientific theory" was (and is) a heresy--and
church men today believe it from the pulpit to the pew. Satan
successfully used false science as the vehicle for destroying the
credibility and authority of the Bible in men's minds. Ask just about
anyone you meet if the sun goes around the earth and they will tell
you, "It just appears to." His eyes tell him, "The sun
rises and sets," but his mind has capitulated to the suggestions
of Satan.
Nicolaus Copernicus
In his heretical work,
De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, Nicolaus Copernicus put the sun
at the center of the solar system with the earth becoming just
another planet ("planet" means wanderer) orbiting around
it. It was well known that this was a direct contradition to the word
of God. "The Copernican Principle" also known as, "The
Principle of Mediocrity" says that the earth is just one of many
planets and that there is nothing special about it. Acceptance of
Copernicanism/heliocentrism destroyed the authority of the Bible in
the minds of many men.
Martin Luther, a
contemporary of Copernicus, said this,
"There is talk of
a new astrologer who wants to prove that the earth moves and goes
around instead of the sky, the sun, the moon, just as if somebody
were moving in a carriage or ship might hold that he was sitting
still and at rest while the earth and the trees walked and moved. But
that is how things are nowadays: when a man wishes to be clever he
must needs invent something special, and the way he does it must
needs be the best! The fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy
upside-down. However, as Holy Scripture tells us, so did Joshua bid
the sun to stand still and not the earth." --from Luther's
Tablebook (Tischreden), or record of dinner-table conversations
Tycho Brahe, "The
Noble Dane" (1546-1601)
God raised up Tycho
Brahe in the midst of the Copernican Revolution. He offered the only
serious challenge to the heresy of Copernicus. He understood that
Copernicus' proclamation was a heresy and rejected it on both
scientific and Biblical grounds.
It is well known that
Tycho Brahe revolutionized astronomical instrumentation and
observational practice. He made the most accurate naked eye
observations known to man. In Tycho's system (geocentric model) the
earth is fixed and the daily motion of the fixed stars is ascribed to
a daily rotation of the celestial sphere.
Johannes Kepler
Assistant to Tycho
Brahe who refused to accept Tycho Brahe's Biblically founded
framework. Upon Brahe's death, he covered up and hastened the demise
of Tycho Brahe's observations which removed the last hinderance to a
triumphant advance of heliocentrism. When people began believing that
scientists were right and the Bible was wrong, the floodgates of
their minds were wide open to every blasphemy and heresy that came
from the "scholars". Biblical criticism, Deism, Darwinian
evolution, and atheism rose up and took over--and it remains that way
unto this current day, only worse. Kepler delighted in Copernicus and
was a popularizer and defender of the Copernican system. His mother
was believed to have been involved in witchcraft.
Galileo Galilei
Another popularizer of
heliocentrism. He escaped burning at the sake by recanting his
belief. He spent the remainder of his life under house arrest.
Galileo cited Cardinal Baronius (1598) for the statement, "The
Bible was written to show us how to go to heaven, not how the heavens
Walter van der Kamp
Copernicanism basically
went unchallenged for centuries but God raised up a thinking man who
would discover what had happened. Mr. van der Kamp testifies--
without exception, long ago dropped any claim for an actual and
factual meaning of the first half of Genesis 1. Having come this far
in reading about the matter, I found myself in a quandry. All books
and everyone consulted warned me that it would be worse than
preposterous to contradict and dismiss the results of three centuries
of observations.
"I quested far and
wide, and everywhere I came face to face with a dishonesty, a
misleading practice, I never had thought possible. None, but none
among the fanciful assertions of the belivers in Galileo's
sun-centered astronomical gospel has ever been proven. It is after
Eve's seduction in the Garden of Eden the most monstrous deception
ever foisted on mankind. The procedure for bringing it about has been
an old, but effective one...proclaim a lie again, and again, and then
in due course all people will believe you."
--Walter van der Kamp,
The Whys and Wherefores of Geocentrism, Bulletin of the Tychonian
Society, No. 49, p. 18
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